Research Positions

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Research: Efficient Deep Learning Algorithm and Accelerator Design, Advisor: Yingyan (Celine) Lin

Lab details: EIC Lab

TIGs: Computer Systems and Software, VLSI Systems and Digital Design
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, MS students, 10 positions
Application Due May 1, 2024 to

Research keywords: hardware-aware efficient algorithms, algorithm-aware hardware, algorithm-hardware co-design


EIC Lab is actively recruiting algorithm/hardware interns! Our lab is dedicated to advancing efficient machine learning systems towards real-world applications via cross-layer innovations, i.e., developing 1) hardware-aware efficient algorithms, 2) algorithm-aware hardware, and 3) algorithm-hardware co-design. We regularly publish in first-tier machine learning algorithms and hardware conferences, such as ICML/NeurIPS/ICLR, ISCA/MICRO/HPCA, and ICCAD/DAC. If you are interested and believe you are a good fit, please check out our recruitment flyer and scan the attached QR code for more details and application instructions.

Attachments: eic-flyer-algorithm-6e5fb0.pdf, eic-flyer-hardware-e82b51.pdf
Entry Created: February 12, 2023 at 9:52 pm

Research: PDL Undergraduate Research Program a Learning Experience, Advisor: Lukas Graber

Lab details: Plasma and Dielectrics Laboratory

TIGs: Electrical Energy
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, 4 positions
Application Due July 21, 2023 to

Research keywords:


PURPLE provides a research learning experience for Georgia Institute of Technology’s undergraduate students. Students will closely collaborate with the Plasma and Dielectrics Lab’s research team to fulfill project-centered tasks while gaining hands-on research experience and co-authoring publications.
What is needed to apply? To apply you must be a current Ga Tech student, fill out the application form and submit your resume.
When are applications due? All applications must be submitted three weeks prior to the start of the semester for the intended project.
When will acceptance notifications be distributed? All applicants will be contacted two weeks prior to the start of the semester for the intended project.
Is there monetary compensation? Please visit the experience page to learn more about compensation.

Entry Created: June 13, 2023 at 2:38 pm

Research: Leveraging AI to revolutionize traditional domains, particularly engineering education, Advisor: Ying Zhang

Lab details: Sensors and Intelligent Systems Lab

TIGs: Digital Signal Processing, Systems and Controls
Seeking: PhD Students, 1 positions
Application Due May 1, 2024 to

Research keywords:


A Ph.D. position is available in the Sensors and Intelligent Systems Lab, focusing on leveraging AI to revolutionize traditional domains, particularly in the realm of engineering education. The expectations for students who are interested in this position are:


i. High self-motivation and high passion for research

ii. Strong learning ability

iii. A solid foundation in math and machine learning

iv. Fluent in programming with Python

v. Fluent in English (written and spoken)


i. Experience with deep learning and the frameworks (PyTorch/TensorFlow)

ii. Experience with machine learning-related research (deep learning/statistical learning/online learning/reinforcement learning/…)

If you are interested in this position, please contact Dr. Ying Zhang at

Entry Created: August 14, 2023 at 2:27 pm

Research: Wearable IoT system development for worker’s safety, Advisor: Yong Cho

Lab details: RICAL

TIGs: Computer Systems and Software, Digital Signal Processing, Electronic Design & Applications
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, MS students, PhD Students, 2 positions
Application Due August 15, 2024 to

Research keywords: microcontrollers, IoT, sensors


Required Skills:
• Experience in mechatronics
– Worked with microcontrollers
– Familiar with receiving and processing wireless sensor data
– Has experience reading datasheets, working with low-level code
• Proficient in C/C++ and Python
• Experienced in Linux
– Comfortable using terminal commands

Preferred Qualifications:
• Experience with PCB design
• Experience with the Arduino ecosystem
• Experience with the Raspberry PI ecosystem
• Experience working with IMUs
• Knowledge of UART and PWM
• Knowledge of Apache2, PHP, or MySQL
• Familiarity with networking (HTTP request methods, using TCP protocol, etc.)

Entry Created: February 8, 2024 at 2:53 pm

Research: Biotelemetry for Gastrointestinal Devices and Neural Implants, Advisor: Seun Sangodoyin

Lab details: Bioelectronics, Wireless and Nanotechnology Systems (BioWiNS)

TIGs: Bioengineering
Seeking: MS students, 2 positions
Application Due June 7, 2024 to

Research keywords: Wireless Communications, Signal Processing


The Bioelectronics, Wireless and Nanotechnology Systems (BioWiNS) Group led by Prof. Seun Sangodoyin (ECE), has two GRA positions available for MS students.
Students are expected to have a strong background in wireless communications and statistical signal processing.

This is a paid position, students will be expected to work 20 hrs a week.

If interested, please send your resume to

Attachments: Ad_Research_Flyer-b606b3-dfe6c9a984d57c1c.pdf
Entry Created: February 21, 2024 at 11:03 pm

Research: Jammer Detection in Joint Communication and Radar Sensing Systems, Advisor: Seun Sangodoyin

Lab details: Bioelectronics, Wireless and Nanotechnology Systems (BioWiNS)

TIGs: Bioengineering
Seeking: MS students, 1 positions
Application Due June 1, 2024 to

Research keywords: Radar, Communication, Remote Sensing, Signal Processing


The Bioelectronics, Wireless and Nanotechnology Systems (BioWiNS) Group led by Prof. Seun Sangodoyin (ECE), has one GRA position available.

Requisites: We seek the following:
1. MS student with background in estimation, detection, and communication theory.
2. MS student with experience in signal processing.

Furthermore, student should have strong proficiency in MATLAB.
This is a paid position; therefore, student must commit 20 hours per week.

Location: Technology Enterprise Park, 387 Technology Circle NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

If interested, please send your resume to

Attachments: Ad_Research_Flyer_Jammer_Detection-9a4e3e-782b2ee5786787a9.pdf
Entry Created: February 23, 2024 at 10:44 pm

Research: Sub-band-edge transport of mobile charge in ultra wide bandgap semiconductors, Advisor: Doug Yoder

Lab details: Computational Electronics and Photonics Lab

TIGs: Nanotechnology
Seeking: MS students, PhD Students, 1 positions
Application Due April 30, 2024 to

Research keywords: semiconductors, wide bandgap,


Ultra wide bandgap (UWBG) materials hold tremendous potential for use in power amplification and high power switching applications because of their superlative electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. UWBG materials suffer disproportionately from high dopant ionization energies, however, resulting in free carrier concentrations which have historically been prohibitively small for meaningful device applications. Recent advances in materials synthesis have overcome this limitation, and record low Hall resistivity has been demonstrated for both p- and n-type epitaxial films. The charge transport occurs, however, by virtue of the emergence of impurity bands. The objective of this research is to develop theoretical models for n-type and p-type impurity bands themselves, and the transport of electrons and holes within them. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work with an interdisciplinary team in a multi-university initiative.

Nature of the position: GRA

Necessary expertise: solid background in vector differential and integral calculus, partial and ordinary differential equations

Desirable expertise: prior undergraduate coursework in semiconductor materials and devices, C++ programming proficiency

Entry Created: March 15, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Research: Computational work: ML and data analysis on neural/behavioral data, Advisor: Farzaneh Najafi

Lab details: Najafi Lab

TIGs: Bioengineering, Computer Systems and Software, Digital Signal Processing
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, 2 positions
Application Due March 31, 2025 to

Research keywords: computational, machine learning, data analysis, neuroscience, biomedical, biology


We are looking for senior undergraduates with experience in computational work, including machine learning and data analysis, to contribute to research projects that involve analysis of our neural and behavioral data, using python or matlab. Example projects include analyzing neural data recorded via optical methods, or applying machine learning models to our neural and behavioral data.

It is important for the undergraduate to have prior experience with data analysis, and to be highly motivated.

This position is ideal for senior (or junior) undergraduates who are looking for additional experience in computational work and data analysis, whether they are aiming for a PhD or a data science job in industry after graduation.

NOTE: We expect 9-10 hours a week, at minimum, and recommend research for credit.

To apply please send an email to me and include the following information:

– your major and graduation year
– brief description of your prior ML/data analysis experience, including links/attachments to your prior work including your codes/scripts.
– how many semesters you can commit to the lab
– how many hours per week you can commit to the lab
– attach your CV

Please note that all of this information should be present in your email in order for it to be considered.

Entry Created: March 25, 2024 at 7:53 pm

Research: Animatronics in an interactive art exhibit (for COE, COC, and COD), Advisor: Mary Ann Weitnauer

Lab details: Electronic ARTrium

TIGs: Computer Systems and Software, Electronic Design & Applications
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, 1 positions
Application Due April 24, 2024 to

Research keywords: Microcontroller, servos, DC motors, C++, CAD, 3D printing


The Electronic ARTrium lab is building several robots as part of its upcoming human-sized video game with mechatronics. The game includes three animatronic narrators and some other mechatronic creatures and props. Camera-based computer vision captures player pose, which controls the mechatronics via the game engine Unity. Each narrator moves its mouth in lip sync with a recorded voice, while simultaneously moving all its joints to perform a specific gesture or making idle movements, so it seems alive. The animatronic projects have been started by senior capstone design teams and VIP students, but they need more work, including redesign of certain joints and parts, upgrading of motors, and programming of gestures. The most desirable candidate has experience with object-oriented programming, basic circuit design, mechanical CAD using SolidWorks or an equivalent tool, and control of servo and DC motors. The student may also help with set construction.

Entry Created: April 3, 2024 at 5:16 pm

Research: Assorted projects in closed-loop optogenetic control, Advisor: Christopher Rozell

Lab details: SIPLab

TIGs: Bioengineering, Computer Systems and Software, Systems and Controls
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, 3 positions
Application Due May 19, 2024 to

Research keywords: frequency-analysis, neuroengineering


(see attachment for better formatting, links, etc.)

== Background ==
Neuroscientists can gain insight into how the brain works by manipulating it in precise ways. Optogenetics is a very popular, relatively new technology allowing the activation of neurons which can be genetically targeted. Typically, researchers have done this with “open-loop” control, delivering a pre-defined stimulus to the brain, but more sophisticated and precise is “closed-loop” control, which rather varies the stimulus in real time to achieve a desired neural activity pattern—much like cruise control accelerates the car as needed to reach a target speed.

Our lab has already applied basic methods from control theory to do real-time optogenetic control in mice, but there are plenty of potential extensions to this work. PhD student Kyle Johnsen is recruiting students for multiple projects that require varying skill levels in neuroscience, programming, control theory, and biomedical engineering. Below is a list of possibilities—if you are interested, reach out to Kyle ( to discuss possibilities in more detail. A minimum 10 hrs/week commitment is expected. And at least for larger projects, candidates who can commit to more than 1 semester will be preferred.

== Potential projects ==
– Implementing factor-based SNNs in Brian/Cleo
– Recovering latent neural dynamics from simulated data by running (RNN-)PSID / IPSID
– Estimating oscillatory information in real time, for the purpose of closed-loop control, as in this paper.
– Extend the light propagation capabilities of the Cleo simulator. We especially would like to interpolate Monte Carlo simulation results for different beam types.
– Pioneer system identification methods in the spirit of PSID to identify natural vs. unnatural states to achieve “within-manifold control”
– Paving the way to implement performant code once and use in multiple contexts (e.g., Python, C# (Bonsai), MATLAB, C++), e.g., via embedded Julia or C++/SWIG
– Simulating the “crosstalk” of excitation light on opsins when doing fluorescent microscopy and optogenetics simultaneously (See Sridharan 2022 Fig 6)
– Integrating model-predictive control into ldsCtrlEst (following lqmpc as an example)
– Implementing a model of the CA3 region of the hippocampus (Kopsick et al.) in Brian and simulating closed-loop optogenetic experiments on it using Cleo.
– Adding calcium indicator or voltage indicator models to Cleo

== Potential skills required or to be learned ==
– General neuroscience, e.g., neurons, hippocampus, cell types, synapses
– Ability to extract relevant details from scientific publications
– Computational neuroscience: spiking neural network models
– Scientific Python coding, including source control (Git/GitHub), math (NumPy), and figure generation (matplotlib)
– High-performance software engineering
– Specific familiarity with Brian and Cleo Python packages
– Control theory: linear dynamical systems, model fitting, optimal control, etc.
– Ability to work efficiently as a team: communicating, dividing tasks, and taking responsibility
– Ability to explain research and present progress effectively to other students and supervisors

Attachments: CLOC-mentored-project-descriptions-summer-2024-1e5fb3-b29455b61e812b87.pdf
Entry Created: April 5, 2024 at 9:01 pm

Research: Research Engineer position in neuro-engineering and mechatronics, Advisor: Farzaneh Najafi

Lab details: Najafi Lab

TIGs: Bioengineering
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, 1 positions
Application Due December 30, 2024 to

Research keywords: neuroengineering, neurotechnology, mechatronics, electrical circuits, microcontrollers, 3d printing, mechanical engineering, robotics, programming, matlab, python


The Najafi Lab at Georgia Tech is looking for an undergraduate student with the following criteria:      

Required skills:
      Strong mechatronics skills (demonstrated by videos/pictures of previous projects): Microcontrollers; Basic circuits
      Programming in Matlab and/or Python

Preferred skills:
      CAD & 3D printing

NOTE: The candidate must be quite comfortable building a setup using electrical & mechanical engineering skills, also writing code to control the setup.
Position type:
      Summer, strong preference: full time
Preferably continues in the Fall too.

      please send the following material to
      - CV
      - Pictures and videos of your previous mechatronics projects
      - Provide a realistic ranking (1-10; 10: highest) of your skills for each of the following 3 categories (should be backed up by links to previous projects):
      1) electronics (microcontrollers; circuit design)
      2) mechanical (design; 3D printing; cad)
      3) programming (matlab; python; microcontrollers)

Lab info:
      We are an interdisciplinary lab, including scientists and engineers, studying neuronal basis of behavior.
      You can find information about our scientific questions here:

Dr. Farzaneh Najafi:

Entry Created: April 12, 2024 at 3:29 am

Research: Human-Guided Machine Learning, Advisor: Christopher Rozell

Lab details: SIPLab

TIGs: Computer Systems and Software, Digital Signal Processing
Seeking: Undergraduate Students, 1 positions
Application Due September 30, 2024 to

Research keywords: human-in-the-loop, machine learning, sentiment analysis


== Background ==

Machine learning (ML) algorithms greatly benefit from human expertise, especially in areas requiring nuanced understanding. Our project aims to design and implement strategies that enable ML algorithms to learn effectively through human interactions. Specifically, we are developing querying methods that allow ML systems to gather information from humans in a process that is both intuitive for humans and easily processed by the algorithms.

Our goal is to find querying strategies that enable learning with fewer human interactions. Initially, we have used simulated datasets to model human responses. The next phase involves real human participants, potentially recruited through platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. We are seeking a motivated undergraduate student to assist with this exciting research phase.Your work will directly support extending our recent findings, as detailed in our paper Enhancing Human-in-the-Loop Learning
for Binary Sentiment Word Classification (link to paper).

== Tasks ==

– Designing and conducting experiments with human participants to validate our querying strategies.
– Collecting and analyzing data from human subjects to inform and refine our ML models.

== Potential skills required or to be learned ==

– Basic understanding of machine learning and human-computer interaction principles.
– Familiarity with data collection and analysis methods.
– Experience with Matlab or Python.
– Ability to work efficiently both independently and as part of a team.
– Strong communication skills for explaining research progress and findings.

== Expectations ==

– A minimum commitment of 10 hours per week.
– Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research combining human cognition and machine learning.

We look forward to potentially welcoming you to our research team!

Attachments: CDC_Humans_in_MT-70a451.pdf
Entry Created: June 23, 2024 at 10:04 pm

Research: Micro-robots for Neurosurgical Applications, Advisor: Azadeh Ansari

Lab details: GT MEMS and Microrobotics

TIGs: Bioengineering, Nanotechnology
Seeking: PhD Students, 1 positions
Application Due August 31, 2024 to

Research keywords: micro robotics, biomedical, MEMS, nanofabrication, magnetic


We are looking to hire a highly-motivated PhD student to work on a multi-disciplinary project: “Microrobotics for Neurosurgical Applications.” The PhD student will be co-advised by Prof Ansari (ECE, GT) and Prof. Kimberly Hoang (Neurosurgery, Emory) and will be responsible for design, fabrication and motion control of magnetically-actuated microscale robots for biomedical applications. The position is a fully-paid GRA position, and open to ECE, ME and Biomedical students. If you are interested, please email us your CV directly at:

Entry Created: July 25, 2024 at 1:49 am